Ecology deals with organisms in relation to their environment. This may be a single organism in relation to its physical environment (autecology). But other organisms are usually present forming part of the environment and the interaction between them is an important aspect of ecology (synecology). Groups of organisms
Community is a wider term referring to the assembled individuals of different species in a location. A plant community such as an oak-hickory woodland would typically contain a mix of trees and herbaceous plants that we can see many places in Ohio. The term can be extended to include the other organisms in an area, birds, mammals, insects, fungi, bacteria, even ourselves. Early ecologists saw a community as a kind of super-organism in which individual species are are linked and each is necessary for the function of the whole. It seems that although species do interact and affect the fate of the whole, the community is really made up of individuals that just happen to occur in the same location. Populations and communities could not exist without a physical environment. This is determined by the topography, geology, and climate of an area, all of which may be modified over time by the organisms that live there. The organic community with the physical environment makes up an ecosystem. Around the world there are ecosystems that look similar: deciduous forest, grasslands, wetlands, deserts. When we look closer we realize that the same species are not involved. There may be closely related or quite unrelated plants and animals occupying similar ecological niches. A group of ecosystems with similar biological features is called a biome. Interactions
Plants have evolved defenses against both herbivores and pathogens. These can be physical: thorns and spines deter browsing animals; thick cuticles, lignified and suberized tissues can be a barrier to hyphal penetration. Chemical defense is also widespread: major functions of the wide variety of secondary metabolites that plants produce are to deter herbivores and inhibit pathogen attack. Sometimes these compounds are always present in the plant; when they are formed in response to pathogen attack they are called "phytoalexins". These interactions are not just features of wild areas. Anywhere where we grow plants, other organisms will be present. There will be parasites, herbivores, competitive weeds not to mention soil microorganisms which affect the nutrient supply available to plants. All of these interactions form a complex web which can be analyzed in various ways. Trophic levels Nutrient cycles
Apart from water and carbon, most nutrients are cycled locally in natural ecosystems. This was demonstrated in long-term experiments at Hubbard Brook in New Hampshire. The amounts of nutrients present in plants, animals, soils and streams were monitored in this woodland over several years. There was little gain or loss of nitrogen, calcium or potassium. When an area was cut and regrowth prevented with herbicides, losses of nutrients increased up to 20 fold so that streams became polluted with the excess. People have become a major component of the nutrient cycles both through agriculture and other activities. Typically, agricultural ecosystems export nutrients, both as crop and through drainage. These return to the cycle at a distance (often through the sewage system!) so that there are losses at the point of production. These losses have to be made up by the import of fertilizers. Ecological succession After clearance an area will be invaded by pioneer plants which often do not persist; they are joined and their place is taken by other plants. The early years will likely show a rapid change of vegetation until a more stable ecosystem develops. Early ecologists thought that this would be a climax community of plants and animals characteristic of the area. However, the process of succession may never stop and the mix of plants present at any time is unpredictable. It may be that with small scale disturbance original vegetation will recolonize an area. After a massive catastrophe, such as the drought in the Great Plains in the 1930's, the regenerating vegetation may be unlike the original (prairie in this case). Succession is a real process, even if climax communities do not exist. Each phase of vegetation modifies the habitat, creating opportunities for other plants that can exploit the resources better. Barring disaster, the productivity of the system will tend to increase. Crop production usually involves clearance that creates opportunities for pioneer plants (weeds) that would not be present otherwise. Annual clearance means that most agricultural ecosystems accumulate less biomass than the vegetation that would develop if succession were allowed to proceed. The vegetation that develops may resemble the characteristic biome of the area even if the mix of species varies. In our area this means that every where tends to end up as mixed deciduous forest however the succession starts. |
Until Europeans arrived the last great clearance was glaciation. This would have left shallow ponds, bare rock and clays. We can get an idea from landscapes in the North of Europe and America. |
All areas, even the ponds tended towards a terrestrial plant community dominated by trees. We can see this happening at lake margins today. |
On bare rock the first plants will be crustose lichens, followed by foliose lichens. As soil builds up the surface can hold water so that mosses become established. |
Next come grasses. Soil continues to build until perennials can take hold. The first trees to colonize the dry site may be pines or other conifers which may be replaced by hardwood trees in time. Succession nowadays often starts with soil already formed rather than from open water or bare rock. Abandoned farmland, industrial or urban sites revert to woodland. If we are trying to maintain our own ecosystem, whether its is corn, turfgrass or an ornamental planting the further we are from this kind of community the more inputs we will have to provide and the more we will have to work to keep out the pioneer plants (weeds) that can displace our crop. Copyright © Michael Knee, |